Bank Wide CRM Strategy

Ambit Soft ware has completed CRM imple mentations for numerous national, international and regional banks around the world over the past 20 years. This experience has led to an understanding that CRM systems must be modified to meet the unique needs of the financial institution. In other words, the system must meet your needs rather than requiring you to meet the needs of the system. Our experience has convinced us that in order to be successful CRM implementation projects must accomplish five ‘things’

Ambit Software has completed CRM imple mentations for numerous national, international and regional banks around the world over the past 20 years. This experience has led to an understanding that CRM systems must be modified to meet the unique needs of the financial institution. In other words, the system must meet your needs rather than requiring you to meet the needs of the system. Our experience has convinced us that in order to be successful CRM implementation projects must accomplish five ‘things’

  1. Show current & forecast new product revenues across multiple lines of business.
  2. Allow each product group to define their own unique business processes.
  3. Permit the implementation of unique sales processes across different lines of business.
  4. Provide the ability to view the entire customer product profile and banker/customer relationships.
  5. Integrate with back office systems.

This white paper will discuss how each of these requirements can be incorporated within the CRM system to provide the bank with a robust competitive advantage.

  • Forecasting Across Lines of Business
  • Unique Product Group Business Processes
  • Sales Process Implementation
  • Customer Profile and Bankers Relationship
  • Back Office Integration
June 25, 2014